Saturday, July 11, 2009

Keeping Up With Current Affairs While On Vacation

For globe trekkers, there is nothing like the news in their native language to make them feel at home again, particularly if they can find a current affairs channel that is from their own country. This is easier done in some areas than in others. For example, American news channels broadcast all over the planet, while a French station that is focused on local events might not be quite as global. To stay in touch with current affairs while traveling, here are a few ideas to keep you informed.

Current affairs differ from plain old news in that the news gives quick, brief bits of information, while current affairs are more focused on the hard facts of the news and what is going on today. Most news channels, like CNN and ABC have a special program devoted to this in depth analysis and choose the most urgent issues today to discuss on these shows. This is what many people feel really helps keep that connection with home, since the opinions shared are typical of the country in which you abide.

While being mobile it can really be tough to find a good current affairs channel on the television, especially when not in a more civilized country where your options are broader. One way to get around this is to find a drinking establishment or restaurant that offers a television or two. During the day, most hostelries are pretty depleted and since they usually have satellite or cable TV, you can request a specific channel that you want to watch. Sit down, have a cold one and a plate of food and they will probably be more than willing to let you watch your favorite home channel.

Another good solution if you have the finances is to check into a hotel or hostel that caters to business people. These places often host seminars and have people staying from around the world who are in need of information. By paying a bit more, you can have a suite with Internet connection and plenty of television channels to choose from. There is usually at least one US and one British current affairs channel that you will be able to access.

If TV is not a good idea for you, or you just can’t find one that shows your channel in your language, you can always stay informed of current affairs by logging onto your favorite station’s website. You can either read the interesting information, or view it streamed. This is probably the best way to go in terms of non-television options. You have the option to choose where you want to look and when, no trying to time your schedule to the news channel’s schedule, something that can be very difficult in another time zone!

If you need to stay current with the latest news, it is possible, no matter where in the world you are. You just need access to some basic technology and you will be fine!

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